Vana parçaları imalatı.Demir, Sfero dökme demir, çelik döküm ve Paslanmaz Çelik Vana parçaları üretimi.

Dikkan, established in 1978 has its place as one of the well-known Foundry and Valve manufacturer in the world. Besides Industrial and Marine Valves, Dikkan serves also the construction, machine building, automotive, agriculture and irrigation industries.Dikkan Premises build on 150.000 sq. yards (90.000 sq. meters) with modern CNC units, well equipped laboratories, expertise in the Casting field and Valve production, superior quality understanding, R&D activities, internal and outsourced training added to the certificates gained over the years, keeps Dikkan up as the domain market leader. Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Cast Steel and Stainless Steel Valve parts are manufactured by Dikkan Metal A.S. which is part of the Dikkan Cooperation.Bronze, Gunmetal, Low-Zinc Bronze, Zinc-Free Bronze, Tin Bronze, Aluminium Bronze and all other Copper alloys are casted by Iz-Metal A.S. which is part of the Dikkan cooperation.

Dikkan Metal Ürünleri San.Tic.A.Ş
İzmir Kemalpasa Yolu, Hayitlikir mevkii No:30 35170 Kemalpasa
TEL1: +90 232 877 17 14
TEL2: +90 232 877 24 15
FAX : +90 232 877 17 15

Eklenme Tarihi - 30-06-2014 | Son Güncelleme - 14-11-20162604 kez gösterildi.